
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Cicada Special
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Here is an episode about something Joe loves but Lisa absolutely HATES, Cicadas. Brood X Cicadas are out in full force at our house and Lisa is really wigged out by them. Good thing this only happens once every 17 years. We have a couple of good cicada stories and if you listen all the way to the end you can hear what they sound like. The recording doesn't really do these bugs justice I have measured their sound at about 70 dB with my phone but some friends have measured it at closer to 80 dB.

Thursday May 13, 2021
Episode 148 - You're Doing it Wrong - Part 3
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Here is a bunch of things that Joe hates about sayings and malapropisms. You know normally, I listen to these episodes before I upload them. But not this time. And that bit me in the but. I already fixed one blooper where I cussed. It's a good episode as I recall. Please enjoy.

Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Episode 147 - Grab Bag #28
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wow 28 grab bag episodes. Joe hates a bunch of random things and Jake loves the non sequitur nature of these episode. This week Joe talks about being asked, "Where you goin' with that gun in your hand?" You know I actually did take a survey of Joes in college. It was a small sample size but I found that 4 out of 5 guys named Joe do, in fact, hate being asked, "Where you goin' with that gun in your hand?" So it's not just me. We have a bunch of episodes saved up so there may be a second episode later this week. Imagine that! Two episodes in one week. Ok enjoy this episode. See you soon.

Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Episode 146 - Traveling - Part 2
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
This week Joe, Lisa, and Jake talk about their trip to Texas. There are tons of things that Joe hates about traveling but traveling during a pandemic provides many more opportunities to hate. We also talk about the great parts of this trip like a wedding (congratulations Rachael and Jamison), a visit to Harry's of San Saba (https://harrysboots.com/) and more. Do you like the picture for the episode. We talk about this in the episode. I couldn't recall it on mic but they are called Team Ghost Riders. Are you still reading these, Kirk? Anyone else? Let me know. BTW I think this is one of our better episodes. Enjoy.

Monday Apr 05, 2021
Episode 145 - Working from Home - Part 1
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
This week, Joe lets everyone know why he hates working from home. It's the constant interruptions from the dogs or being asked to kill a spider. It's a good episode. Hey, did you notice that there was no episode 144? Well, we did record one but it needs a little more work. It will be out later but I think I'm going to keep the episode numbered 144 then just release it as "the lost 144th episode." Anyway, one person did reach out to me about these descriptions but it was Kirk from episode 141. Hi, Kirk! I assume that you are reading this one too. We talk about you in this episode. Kirk doesn't count because he's not just a listener but he has been a guest on the show. If you are reading these you can be the second person to let me know or, as I prefer to think about it, the first person who has never been on the show that sent me an email about the descriptions. I guess this also excludes Andy and Dave.

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Episode 143 - Winter - Part 1
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Joe has grown to hate winter and this year he has had enough. The rage from this recording was so fierce that Old Man Winter packed up and left. You're welcome, listeners. Yes, that's how I'm spinning the untimely release of this episode. It's technically still winter so, shut up. It will be winter until the vernal equinox. There's a fifty cent word for you to use on March 20th, vernal equinox. Oh, by the way, I'm sure you noticed this but I'm still doing the thing where I ramble on in my episode descriptions. Well, that's it from me for now. Don't forget to send me an email if you see this. You'll be the first.

Monday Mar 01, 2021
Episode 142 - Being Joe - Part 2
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Here is a small sampling of the things Joe hates about being himself. One of those things is writing these descriptions for the episodes. Remember last episode when I said I would be surprised if anyone read these? Well, I have had no feed back on my previous episode description. Thus, I have decided that I am going to keep doing these non-sequitur descriptions for the time being. Maybe I will do some coded messages or something. I don't know. Anyway, there is not a lot of listener hate this episode. It seems no one else hates things about being Joe so please enjoy our final "Being Joe" episode.

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Episode 141 - Kitchens - part 1
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
It's an episode with a guest again. Joe and Lisa's friend Kirk joins us this week to talk about kitchens. It's a good episode. You know, I put a lot of thought into these episode descriptions and I don't think that anyone reads them. Are you reading this? Let me know if you do. I'm not going to make mention of it. I just want to see if I'm wasting my time. Well, maybe I will mention it later if no one says anything or if I get a bunch of people that tell me they do read them. You see, I think that people just look at the title of the episode and make a decision on whether they are going to listen to it or not. I think our loyal fans listen to every episode and I totally love you guys for that. Anyway, Joe hates stuff about his kitchen, so do Kirk and Lisa but not Jake. Jake's kitchen is great. There's listener hate too.

Friday Feb 05, 2021
Episode 140 - COVID 19
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
It's our COVID-19 Episode. Yea, we tried to not do one of these episodes but Joe finally cracked. He's had enough. Naturally we start this episode off with Joe's hate for Ford Motor Company and their design and packaging decisions (It's fresh in his mind so he had to talk about it). Then it's on to the COVID-19 hate. Joe hates that he hasn't been to the gym in about a year, not seeing people, and the slow rate of vaccine rollouts. All this and a ton of listener hate.

Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Episode 139 - Grab Bag #26
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
We are back with our first episode of 2021 and we have a guest. Joe's college buddy Andy joins us on the show this week. Joe hate a random assortment of things including the way Andy pronounces "nuclear," and painting. Plus there is a ton of listener hate.